About me
Hello, world!
Welcome to my little string art blog. Well, attempt of a blog for now.
I'm Milana, I'm a meteorologist by day and a string artist by night.
String art (opens new window) has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. My dad learned it first, sometime in the late '70s and later it became a family hobby.
My mom and me with string art in the background
Mother of String art was Mary Everest Boole (opens new window), a self-taught mathematician who taught children mathematics through playful activities such as curve stitching, which grew into what we know today as string art.
It was a very popular hobby in the '60s and '70 which is when my father picked it up, and it stayed his hobby for the next 40 years.
For a period of 5 years (2005-2010) it was even a source of additional income for our family. We probably sold close to 3000 of these little pieces. But then my sister and I found regular jobs, and dad continued to make them just as a hobby without the pressure of needing to sell.
Me at hand made crafts exhibition in Novi Sad
For the next 10 years I was busy with other things. But with 2020 being what it was, I ended up having a lot of free time and decided to get back to string art.
I'll try posting here about how that's going.